About Us
Subicare is a not for profit community based Centre located in the heart of Subiaco. It is dedicated to providing quality care and early years education for children aged 0-5 years old.
Our vision is to support children to become resilient, self-confident, respectful and knowledgeable individuals, well equipped to succeed in their lifelong journey of learning and development.
Lindsay Poggenpoel
Subicare Early Learning Centre
Our Philosophy
At Subicare we value the importance of early childhood education and are committed to supporting the learning and development of each individual child. This is achieved through providing high quality education and care informed by the National Quality Framework, Code of Ethics, Conventions on the Rights of the Child, WA Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, and key principles from several early childhood theories.
We recognise the importance of good health and wellbeing, maintaining nurturing and respectful relationships, engaging in meaningful interactions and believe in providing an inclusive environment that fosters opportunities for all children to learn and develop through play at their own pace, gaining the skills necessary to become lifelong learners.
Our service is committed to reconciliation and respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of our land, the Whadjuk Noongar people. Aligning with respect we have for Country and the natural world; we strive to always act sustainably and be environmentally responsible. At the core of our curriculum is also a shared vision of five core values (Care, Relationships, Potential, Equality & Fun) and it is through upholding these values, that we aim to always provide the best possible early childhood education and care and actively support our wider community.

Our Values
We are committed to ensuring a safe, supportive, respectful and nurturing environment for children, their families, and our staff. We aim to provide a high-quality service that is accessible and affordable.
We are focused on developing open and trusting relationships with our families, staff, Board and other related organisations in order to create a healthy and resilient community.
We support the individual growth of our children and staff. We help everyone progress towards achieving their potential not just for now, but with lessons about themselves and the world around them that will set them up for life.
We value diversity and inclusivity. We respect and celebrate our differences and focus on what unites us.
We take fun seriously and use it to engage children in their learning and developing their curiosity as part of evidence informed curriculum.
Our Care Areas

Balloon Room
3 Months to 2 Years

Sunshine Room
2 to 3 Years

Rainbow Room
3 to 5 Years
Our Board
Subicare is a not for profit incorporated association, run by a volunteer board working closely with Centre management.
The Subicare board aims to be actively involved in the development and implementation of service policies and practices that are reflective of Subicare’s Centre philosophy and values. Parent-based management enables families to be involved in an advisory and consultative capacity, while collaboratively creating strategic objectives for the service. Expressions of interest are always welcome from families to be involved in the Board or its sub-committees.
Contact us for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the facility licensed and what is the staff to child ratio?
Yes, the Centre is licensed to operate by the Department of Communities and meets all applicable criteria under the relevant policy and regulations. Subicare strives to provide a greater staff to child ratio than the minimum required, to ensure quality educator interactions with your child.
What will happen if I’m late picking up my child?
Our opening hours are 7.15am to 6pm. If your child has not been collected at 6pm and we can’t contact you or your emergency contact, late fees will apply.
If my child is absent for any reason, do I still pay fees?
Yes, you are required to pay for your child’s reserved place in the Centre in the event of any absence.
What happens if my child is ill or injured?
In case of illness we will contact you to ask that you pick your child up as soon as possible to ensure the comfort of your child and to prevent cross contamination. Action in case of injury will depend on the severity of the incident, with families always informed either at the time of the injury occurring (with a request to pick up where appropriate) or at pickup for very minor incidents. The Centre and families will complete paperwork as required under the relevant legislation.
How much notice do I need to give to withdraw my child from care?
You must give four weeks notice during which full fees will apply.
Can families be involved in volunteering for the centre?
Expressions of interest are always welcome for membership of the Subicare Board, sub committees, fundraising activities, or special events/trips.
Is there a reduction in fees if the centre is closed due to public holidays?
No, full fees are payable on public holidays, with the exception of the annual shutdown over the Christmas and New Year period.
What qualifications do our educators have?
Subicare employs high quality professional staff to ensure that the best possible care is provided at all times. Our staff’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Education (Primary), Associate Diploma, Diplomas and Certificate III in children’s services. A Director and experienced management team are employed to run the Centre.
What illnesses exclude children from attending?
Illnesses that exclude your child from care include high temperatures and anything considered contagious e.g. conjunctivitis, school sores, hand, foot and mouth disease.
What is the behavior guidance policy of the service?
Positive reinforcement and redirection is used by educators. On-going behavioural challenges are discussed with families on a case-by-case basis.
Can I participate in curriculum planning?
In line with the Early Years Learning Framework we encourage parent participation in all areas of the curriculum.
When are fees due?
Families are invoiced weekly, with direct debit available. Fees must be paid two weeks in advance at all times.
Can I bring food to the centre?
Our service is fully catered. Due to their being children with acute allergies at Subicare we do not allow any food to be brought into the Centre.